Thursday, May 24, 2012


Week numero dos, and I am still trying figure out the best way to commute from home to work.. Based on Mister Google, Mapquest or whatever-it is said that distance from my house in Antioch to Murfreesboro is around 26 miles or so which not too bad of a distance. However, now I am in midst of calculation regarding travel time and still not getting exact timing..

I always try to leave the house by 7.20 at the latest and most of the time I will be arriving at work by 8.00 or 8.05 though today for some reason with the same leaving time, I get to work by 7.50-hah! On the interstate I did like 80-85 miles/hours with speed limit 70 miles =p hopes no "popo" one day reading my blog =p and still get me the arrival time.. I know I have to put in "traffic" factor which normally it get little congested as I took Murfreesboro exit due to business/commercial area though as pass that all smooth sailing.. I feel blessed at least I went against traffic-as you can see  I24 west heading to town is outrageously packed!!

Another part that I need to heavily figure out from this commute thingy is GAS!! I experiment this week by filling out 8 gallons on sunday and by far I still can go for one more commute, though it is quite on the limit.. I guess next mission will be adding 2 more gallons and see how it goes.. hail to the lord at least gas price is going down eventhough it is still pretty pricey but heck cant complain..

all the way through I24 E

My exit

Finally arrive at the office
Well adios for now since I have to go back to work, tomorrow I am planning to reveal what I call "weekly meals galore", stay tune..

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