Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Recap part Uno

Boy oh Boy, been such a hectic week despite that last weekend we celebrate "Memorial Day" salute to all the troops!

Where should I start-I know last blog I promise to reveal some of my culinary adventures during last week, though actually I did not really took lots of pictures, nonetheless, I am lucky to have 4 days of free meals hahahaha.. thanks y'all!

So friday start my day with a visit to Nashville International Airport (BNA) we had visitor coming from India that day and since I live not far from the aeroporto then I initiate the pick up =)
Feels weird going to airport in a short drive-been getting used to drive 2.5 hours or more just to go there and now with a blink of an eyes-well not really.. voila I arrive!

The highlight of friday was-I got to ride "Blue Raiders" golf cart hahahahah..not just that ladies and gentlemen, i took the responsibility to be behind the wheels, woohooo!

Glad that the guest does not mind that I am new on campus, therefore we are like "blind men leading blind men" doing campus tour.. I took the liberty to take him to "REC Center" our recreational facilities which I think such a state of the art facilities-larger than what Murray State had, although down size of REC center NO hot tub like Murray State Wellness Center..

For lunch we went to restaurant on the corner of campus name "Boulevard" where I ate there for gazillion of times! I decided to have their grilled grouper-it's an OK dish, alas it is FREE =)
Wrapping up the day with taking the guest back to the airport which also mean I got to go home early, yippieee..mmm not really early but by 4.30 J'arrive @ home instead of making my way to the car and drive home..

Oh before I forget-"culinary of the week" was lunch invitation by MTSU Education abroad office to this restaurant called "B. Mcneel's" that uniquely located in old home in downtown area and they way they put their menu simply eccentrics and the foods are superb! Due to hunger hehehe.. I opt for "Country Fried Steak with sides of Devils eggs and Brocolli Casserole.. Plus superb companions during meals make lunch break utterly divine!
Later on that week my new indonesian friends on campus Drs Siti and Jeff, took me out to this well known small hole in the wall Laotian shacks-literally it is located next to oil change garage-whom accordingly to Dr. Siti has one of the best pho.. I wish I took picture of the restaurant that actually not too bad at all, and we know why now it is no longer look like hole in the wall-new management! So I warn her that taste may change too-and my guess is right =) For lunch I did not opt for Phoo since it is too hot-I've been craving for "kwetiau goreng" a.k.a "big rice noodle/drunken noodle" a.k.a "Pad kee eew"..
Alright Muchachos, that was highlight from last week.. see you on recap part deux..

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