Wednesday, June 13, 2012

Today is Da DAY!!

So nervous and feeling butterfly in my tummy, this is it!! my baby sister is coming to town tonight and I am so excited!!! it will be first time in 8 years we will be under the same roof for more than 2 weeks..

more stories tomorrow fellas, wish me luck and hopefully I will get my mom goodies too, yum yum!

Gran Bisous

Wednesday, June 6, 2012

Back to the Groove

Howdy Muchachos!!

Aryo's is back and alive, hehehehe.. So sorry for mellow tones the past days-Everything will be alright and if it is not then I have to believe it will be =)

Eniwei..initially I want to share with y'all about my adventure for the past days! I think I put on my previous posting that I was craving marinated grilled tempe at Mellow Mushroom in Murfreesboro, voila here you go amigos.. It was a nice lunch, end up going there by myself, although one biggest regret that I had was ordered COKE that cost me 2.99 before tax, stink! The Tempeh Hoagies itself only about 6 includes chips which i thought not bad at all =).. oh well it all said and done, truly enjoy my lunch that day, superb treats for moi!

Moving can cause huge draining on your finances, and on top of that for this month I only have one income which coming from coucou since due to payroll issues, my current school not able to get my paycheck until end of June which totally screwed me up left and right! Trying to survive with the situation plus after long lecture from a good friend of mine that stating that "Nashville trends for nowadays is Frugal living" ok.. Me and Coucou decided to do couponing, yes, madame c'est monsieur, Aryo is now doing coupon! Over the weekend, i decided to go over piles of advertisement mails that normally i will throw away as soon as I see them.. Couponing here we come and men, we have so much to learn about all of these deals that eventually if you do it right can get you good and deep discount! There are some websites that also become handy as we try to do this coupon stuffs;
Still trying to learn and put those coupon on practice, voila hehehe we save few dollars this weekend as we bought groceries and meals from Captains'D.. not bad at all and for me now it is become like a game-pretty challenging to navigate through coupon world =).. pretty soon I may have special posting for COUPONING 101
Living in civilization does provide us with access and options to do-whether you want the FREE ones or with FESS, nonetheless, all come with price because at least we have to drive somewhere and that's mean GaS =).. On sunday, we decided to check out the new location of McKay book store-love love this store and I can't get enough of books! McKay is a used bookstore and also Music, Films etc-you can find all kind of genre may think, ughhh its used books-well it is sometimes way better that going to regular bookstores since you get more ranges of books plus the prices is more affordable! The new Mckay location is on I40 West going toward Memphis at exit 199 then you can see a big pink loft kind of building..

Interesting stories as I browse books at Mckay, I was on my fave aisle; World History and Biography, then all of the suddent this elder white men holler at me as I leave the aisle.."hey hey you, and i was like; Me? yes, you? Ohh ok, how can i help you sir'.. then he said; what are you doing at history and biography aisle, you read all of these genre? I said yes, I am quite a history buff, and he ask, what kind of history you like? Mmmm I am more toward european history, rennaisance era, etc.. all of the sudden he respond-so you dont like american history? I said yes, but I am more leaning toward guilded ages during american history.. then he add, so you don't like civil wars, etc, mmm..not so much sir'.. he add; well you should, you live in America you know.. I just grinned and left him at that point..weirdo old men!
Another encounter was few minutes after the old men-I was on the Internationa Studies/Middle East aisle and pull out book about Iraq, then I heard this gentlemen behind me, so you know about Middle East, oh god not again.. and I said pretty much, can I help you.. Well my daughter is going to Turkey, do you have good book to read about the country... I explain to him firstly about where Turkey actually located and recommend him my fave author from Turkey-Orhan Pamuk! Long stories short,this second encounter end up decent-the gentlemen daughter is going to Izmir for Middle School Space camp, and I tell him that he should not be worried since Izmir is quite safe and a beautiful place to visit-similar like you going to FL

Well muchachos, that was my adventure the past days-me and coucou wrapping up sunday with a nice tasty home made baked soft shell pasta for dinner =).. gottta dash off to work now, gran bisous! stay tune for more adventures..

Lastly, I had a nice surprise earlier this week-one of my traveling buddies; Heather from FDU New Jersey came to Nashville for her annual Carrie Underwood pilgrimage.. We decided to get together at her hotel-Sheraton Music City, never been there and I think it is one of the nicest hotel in-town! We spend evening together catching up news, oh boy how much I missed her and my other buddies! As we chat at the hotel lounge, bring back memories of my travels, how we normally meet at lobby etc-been quite awhile since I went to hotel.. Heading home that day with so much joy, glad to see old friends and being able to get her little treats, fried pickles from Barb-cuties whose well known for their fried pickles and BarbQ of course..Wish I took pictures with heather!

Monday, June 4, 2012

Oh la la its Monday once more..

You got that right! It's Monday! I had some stories to share with y'all but I still can't get over my somber mood today.. I did a huge bubu last night to coucou, and I feel so bad-i know it is no use to regret for things been done! I know I can't turn back time and all I can say I deeply apologize for the mishaps-I am so sorry mon coucou, I don't mean to hurt and betray your trust.. forgive me..

Trying my darn best to keep move on and carry on with the day-at least today one of my travel buddy-Heather coming to town!! yehaaaa..she is in-town for one of those country music gigs since she is a huge fans of Carrie Underwood and I think carrie love her too! hehehehe =)

Anyway, trying to leave work early today and pick her up at Sheraton Music City then off to town for some Pita Pit and Fried Pickles!

Hopefully tomorrow I be able to lift away these gloomy clouds, stay tunes y'all have some exciting stories from my weekend adventures..

Have a great monday! gran bisous!

Friday, June 1, 2012

Flip the calendar, June ooo Junee

First day of June means official day of Summer just around the corner..getting ready for blazing heat and sunshine, I can feel it on my bone-this season will be HOT TAMALE! Despite some challenging days ahead related with adjusting with new home, works, etc.. One special and particular event that I am so uberly looking forward is LIL SiS arrival in Nashville woohooooo.. H-12, can't wait to have her at the house hanging out and hahahahaha having those yummy goodies that mom send with her =)

Off to work on a cloudy, dark, dreary, chilly morning, yet TGIF!! last night we had quite a big storm though it's only last for like 45 mins but enough to make some mess! I ask coucou this morning, who is going to clean up our streets since so many leaves and branches on the road? I know we will have to clean up our driveway and backyard since we have tons of trees at our new house..

As me and coucou getting ready to go to work, coucou normally put on NPR but this morning for some reason another channel being picked-Steve Harvey "Friday Freedom Show" and it is so ghetto fabolous in my opinion, hahaha i think I fell in love with his show and definitely will tune into the show from now on.. Although as an effect of the ambiance, I decided to put on IL Divo and Celine Dion for my morning commute and here is my all time fave
Alrighy mon amie, dashing back to work now eventhough I am planning to take it easy today-a little goof off here and there hehehe.. Initially planned to go out for lunch with one of my coworkers but so far I have not seen her coming to work yet, so it may not happening, alas, I think I will still go out and having fulfill my craving for TEMPEH Hoagies at Mellow Mushroom-succulent marinated grilled tempe over french bread with feta, grilled mushrooms, onions, green peppers serves with pesto mayo, lettuce and tomatoes, mmmmmm...

oh those who does not tempe; is made from cooked and slightly fermented soybeans and formed into a patty, similar to a very firm veggie burger

Happy Friday Y'all, bonne Weekend and for my indonesian peeps in Jakarta Raya, happy desek2an on NKOTB BSB concert hehehehe.. Gran bisous!

Thursday, May 31, 2012

Pay ooohh Day..

Learn the hard way... moving to new work place and failed to inquire about payroll as a result no bling bling for me till end of  next month, which devastating and scarry since I only receive some parts of my check from Murray State that I do not quite sure it will even last for most of the bills! I am to a point where I do not want to think about it anymore, God is gracious and always never failed to shares his blessing..I am still thankful for what I have at the moment and happy for those who receive checks today =)..

Though one note that I want to get off my chest-"Being grown-up Sucks"!! Missed those days when all I am worried about is mid/final terms grade, does dad already transfer money, where to hang out over weekend, what outfits to buy this season, which malls/cafe/club I am going.. wkwkwkwkw now have to think twice even when splurging for something out of ordinary-and I think I officially become overly domesticated since most of the time my mind always goes "mmm..within this xyz amounts I can get groceries, dasar ineeeemmm!!!

For some reason I feel like today is Friday-so ready for another weekend to just chillin at home within hope weather will be mild so I can sit and read my e-book on the patio. I am expecting another movie screening ticket today but I think I would pass and just go straight home..

The past days as I commute to work been jammin to "I'll Remember"  by Madonna and always help to boost my morning spirits.. Came to work early today and find parking spots already taken by these kiddos going for "Custom" orientation for Blue Raiders Juniors!

Adios muchachos, back to work and hopefully tomorrow news will be more exciting... Gran bisous!

Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Recap Part Deux

First long weekend of summer, Memorial Day! I think this is one of the first memorial day that I am actually in-town, last year I was in Korea and year before I think was DC and it is all about works! But not last weekend, spending sometimes home with mon coucou, cleaning up the house, getting groceries etc. Then on Monday we decided to take short stroll that turns to be quite an exercise to the newly open "Opry Mills Outlet" the mall was closed for about a year due to construction as a result of big nashville floods aftermath! Some of the stores are still under constructions, though, there are few new stores such as; Cole Haan, CK, BCBG, COACH, and one of my fave brand JCrew! The nice things are these are outlet stores, therefore prices are lower compare with regular store, though it is also means that collection you getting is a season behind for the most part, but oh well!

Since it is just a window shopping, no purchases necessary plus this has been a long month-i am starting to think we will get paid May 32!! Returning from Mall, we decided, well more I =) decided to have lunch at King's Market-once again I want my Kwetiau Goreng!!! As we sit down and waiting for our meal, coucou start to ask silly question to fellow diner next to us about what beverages they order-darn it it is a simple thai tea, not like coucou never know before, grrrr.. but end up we all have a great conversation during meals and we decided to exchange numbers and hopefully meet up soon for culinary adventure in Nashville-they just move to town 3 weeks ago and so do WE!

During the weekend I also make another trips to airport to bid Adieu to si mbok (name calling for like mom' or so in indonesia) and Topaz since they are heading back to Indo for summer vacation, lucky them! Nice to see them off and wishing them safe travels and fun =)

Tuesday and Wednesday in a nut shell, yesterday a good friend of mine, xie xie June! shares her ticket for " Snow White and Huntsmen" screening at Franklin Cinema-and I am excited to go to since coucou kind of like that movie and finally coucou decided to go home on-time so can meet us up at the house.. On a stormy, windy evening June drive all of us from Antioch to Franklin, arrive pretty soaking wet and have to stay in a long line to go we came closer to the door here come the annoucement-Theatre is FULL Y'all!!! Bummerrrrr!!! So mirror mirror on the wall who does not get into theatre-US!
It is not our luck then but coucou decided that we will go back over the weekend and will purchase this membership for "popcorns bucket" yes fellas, you can buy18 USD bucket where you can get refills of popcorn for a year! Which mean when we return to this cinema, do not to bring this huge bucket so we can get our popcorns!

Over the weekend, June teach me on doing couponing since according to her "Frugal" is the new lifestyle trends..mmm.. ok june, so she give me this long lecture ;) about getting coupons, how to make it double value, la la la la.. therefore I vow due to crunch in budget I will start to do couponing =).. well keep y'all posted.. actually I have my first coupon experience last night, went to Captain'D.. where normally cost 15ish meal for both of us, with the bit more amount of foods we only paid 9 USD, wakakakaka... long live Coupons!!!

 This morning commute was a new experience for me-thick thick for as I hit I24, it is reminds me of Holland and England so much..aaaahhh..memories.. arriving at work receive an email from a good friend of mine that she watch CNN and saw Murfreesboro (town where my school located) is on the news due to "controversy of mosque construction".. the news leads quite an interesting discussion with my colleagues here at work-I kind of sorta know the Imam, to be frank I have mixed feeling about him-I feel more comfortable with the Imam of Tennessee Islamic Center located down the road from my house..

Oh well, folks, need to go back to work.. stay tuned.. gran bisous!

Recap part Uno

Boy oh Boy, been such a hectic week despite that last weekend we celebrate "Memorial Day" salute to all the troops!

Where should I start-I know last blog I promise to reveal some of my culinary adventures during last week, though actually I did not really took lots of pictures, nonetheless, I am lucky to have 4 days of free meals hahahaha.. thanks y'all!

So friday start my day with a visit to Nashville International Airport (BNA) we had visitor coming from India that day and since I live not far from the aeroporto then I initiate the pick up =)
Feels weird going to airport in a short drive-been getting used to drive 2.5 hours or more just to go there and now with a blink of an eyes-well not really.. voila I arrive!

The highlight of friday was-I got to ride "Blue Raiders" golf cart hahahahah..not just that ladies and gentlemen, i took the responsibility to be behind the wheels, woohooo!

Glad that the guest does not mind that I am new on campus, therefore we are like "blind men leading blind men" doing campus tour.. I took the liberty to take him to "REC Center" our recreational facilities which I think such a state of the art facilities-larger than what Murray State had, although down size of REC center NO hot tub like Murray State Wellness Center..

For lunch we went to restaurant on the corner of campus name "Boulevard" where I ate there for gazillion of times! I decided to have their grilled grouper-it's an OK dish, alas it is FREE =)
Wrapping up the day with taking the guest back to the airport which also mean I got to go home early, yippieee..mmm not really early but by 4.30 J'arrive @ home instead of making my way to the car and drive home..

Oh before I forget-"culinary of the week" was lunch invitation by MTSU Education abroad office to this restaurant called "B. Mcneel's" that uniquely located in old home in downtown area and they way they put their menu simply eccentrics and the foods are superb! Due to hunger hehehe.. I opt for "Country Fried Steak with sides of Devils eggs and Brocolli Casserole.. Plus superb companions during meals make lunch break utterly divine!
Later on that week my new indonesian friends on campus Drs Siti and Jeff, took me out to this well known small hole in the wall Laotian shacks-literally it is located next to oil change garage-whom accordingly to Dr. Siti has one of the best pho.. I wish I took picture of the restaurant that actually not too bad at all, and we know why now it is no longer look like hole in the wall-new management! So I warn her that taste may change too-and my guess is right =) For lunch I did not opt for Phoo since it is too hot-I've been craving for "kwetiau goreng" a.k.a "big rice noodle/drunken noodle" a.k.a "Pad kee eew"..
Alright Muchachos, that was highlight from last week.. see you on recap part deux..