Thursday, May 31, 2012

Pay ooohh Day..

Learn the hard way... moving to new work place and failed to inquire about payroll as a result no bling bling for me till end of  next month, which devastating and scarry since I only receive some parts of my check from Murray State that I do not quite sure it will even last for most of the bills! I am to a point where I do not want to think about it anymore, God is gracious and always never failed to shares his blessing..I am still thankful for what I have at the moment and happy for those who receive checks today =)..

Though one note that I want to get off my chest-"Being grown-up Sucks"!! Missed those days when all I am worried about is mid/final terms grade, does dad already transfer money, where to hang out over weekend, what outfits to buy this season, which malls/cafe/club I am going.. wkwkwkwkw now have to think twice even when splurging for something out of ordinary-and I think I officially become overly domesticated since most of the time my mind always goes "mmm..within this xyz amounts I can get groceries, dasar ineeeemmm!!!

For some reason I feel like today is Friday-so ready for another weekend to just chillin at home within hope weather will be mild so I can sit and read my e-book on the patio. I am expecting another movie screening ticket today but I think I would pass and just go straight home..

The past days as I commute to work been jammin to "I'll Remember"  by Madonna and always help to boost my morning spirits.. Came to work early today and find parking spots already taken by these kiddos going for "Custom" orientation for Blue Raiders Juniors!

Adios muchachos, back to work and hopefully tomorrow news will be more exciting... Gran bisous!

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