Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Recap Part Deux

First long weekend of summer, Memorial Day! I think this is one of the first memorial day that I am actually in-town, last year I was in Korea and year before I think was DC and it is all about works! But not last weekend, spending sometimes home with mon coucou, cleaning up the house, getting groceries etc. Then on Monday we decided to take short stroll that turns to be quite an exercise to the newly open "Opry Mills Outlet" the mall was closed for about a year due to construction as a result of big nashville floods aftermath! Some of the stores are still under constructions, though, there are few new stores such as; Cole Haan, CK, BCBG, COACH, and one of my fave brand JCrew! The nice things are these are outlet stores, therefore prices are lower compare with regular store, though it is also means that collection you getting is a season behind for the most part, but oh well!

Since it is just a window shopping, no purchases necessary plus this has been a long month-i am starting to think we will get paid May 32!! Returning from Mall, we decided, well more I =) decided to have lunch at King's Market-once again I want my Kwetiau Goreng!!! As we sit down and waiting for our meal, coucou start to ask silly question to fellow diner next to us about what beverages they order-darn it it is a simple thai tea, not like coucou never know before, grrrr.. but end up we all have a great conversation during meals and we decided to exchange numbers and hopefully meet up soon for culinary adventure in Nashville-they just move to town 3 weeks ago and so do WE!

During the weekend I also make another trips to airport to bid Adieu to si mbok (name calling for like mom' or so in indonesia) and Topaz since they are heading back to Indo for summer vacation, lucky them! Nice to see them off and wishing them safe travels and fun =)

Tuesday and Wednesday in a nut shell, yesterday a good friend of mine, xie xie June! shares her ticket for " Snow White and Huntsmen" screening at Franklin Cinema-and I am excited to go to since coucou kind of like that movie and finally coucou decided to go home on-time so can meet us up at the house.. On a stormy, windy evening June drive all of us from Antioch to Franklin, arrive pretty soaking wet and have to stay in a long line to go we came closer to the door here come the annoucement-Theatre is FULL Y'all!!! Bummerrrrr!!! So mirror mirror on the wall who does not get into theatre-US!
It is not our luck then but coucou decided that we will go back over the weekend and will purchase this membership for "popcorns bucket" yes fellas, you can buy18 USD bucket where you can get refills of popcorn for a year! Which mean when we return to this cinema, do not to bring this huge bucket so we can get our popcorns!

Over the weekend, June teach me on doing couponing since according to her "Frugal" is the new lifestyle trends..mmm.. ok june, so she give me this long lecture ;) about getting coupons, how to make it double value, la la la la.. therefore I vow due to crunch in budget I will start to do couponing =).. well keep y'all posted.. actually I have my first coupon experience last night, went to Captain'D.. where normally cost 15ish meal for both of us, with the bit more amount of foods we only paid 9 USD, wakakakaka... long live Coupons!!!

 This morning commute was a new experience for me-thick thick for as I hit I24, it is reminds me of Holland and England so much..aaaahhh..memories.. arriving at work receive an email from a good friend of mine that she watch CNN and saw Murfreesboro (town where my school located) is on the news due to "controversy of mosque construction".. the news leads quite an interesting discussion with my colleagues here at work-I kind of sorta know the Imam, to be frank I have mixed feeling about him-I feel more comfortable with the Imam of Tennessee Islamic Center located down the road from my house..

Oh well, folks, need to go back to work.. stay tuned.. gran bisous!

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