Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Lunch where are thou

It is all NEW and here I am at new school with new lunch routine! Different with my old school where we have common kitchen, here we unfortunately we do not have such facilities, therefore I need to set up new routine for my lunch break.. After observing and asking, it is seems that what folks normally do here is to either just work all the way through lunch or they eat out or pack their lunch and find spot outside to sit and have their meals. So, I decided to go with the last option.. Yesterday finally I decided to pack my lunch and scout for spots around my building.. not too bad actually and the weather seems agreeable.. here's some pictures from my premierre lunch spot! one of the pic I already posted on FB but the rest brand new =)
By far it is my fave bench since I dont have to stepped on the grass!
Not bad for lunch view

Far end is my new office

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