Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Must SEE!! "The Best Exotic Marigold Hotel"

The beauty of living in city that I dearly missed was being able to go for events, exhibition etc. Yesterday I had my first taste of civilization =).. Friend of mine, xie xie june! kindly to share with me her movie screening pass for this awesome movie that i have been dying to see "The best exotic marigold hotel".. I saw the preview on and off from tv while I still live in Murray but I know my hope was slim at that time since such movie rarely come to my town, alas, I am lucky to move to town right on time..

So the screening was at one of the prestigious shopping arcade-Green Hills in Nashville, I've been going to that mall gazillions times but never try their movie theatre which I may rated quite mediocre, nonetheless, I am there for the movie not for puffy big comfy chairs that missed when you went to cinema in Asia!

Back to the movie, the stories is about mmm let me count-5 senior citizen from England that were on certain phase of their life decided to getaway from their dull and rather end of the road life in England and decided to dash off to India-the movies filled with legend British actor and actresses whom two are my fave, Judy Dench and Maggie Smith!! love love them!! Their witty british humour mixed with persistence of indian characters play by one of young leading actor from india-stunning and bloody entertaining!!
I had mixed feeling as I watch this movie-somehow I feel related to the stories, not saying that I am now become part of senior citizens ;)-the scenes bring back memories of my travels to india and also turn into a kind reminder that I will be heading that way pretty soon, good god help me! =)

Anyway, hope y'all be able to check it out! It is worth to see with your love ones or even alone as part of your "me" time =)

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